Saturday 4 June 2011

Quite Fearless

I used to love roller coaster rides.  It was about facing something scary and surviving it.  It was like - a package deal  - without the “scary" bit, you won’t get the “thrills”.   Cool.

As I grew older, knowing life is already full of thrills itself, 
I no longer need that added adrenaline jump so I wouldn't bother riding on any. Whenever I face fear in real life though, lots of people would give me sound advice on getting past fear, suggesting if I can break free of the shackles of fear, I will be alright.  

All well and good.  I learned the importance of mastering fear in order to get things done.  

And life moves on.  Fear just keeps knocking on your door to haunt you every now and then.  Sometimes you can get so out of hand that you might even think of giving up. 

One day, I woke up and discovered I do want fear to be with me because, for crying out loud - fear let me know I am alive and breathing!  So I have just decided to face fear with some gratitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what are you thinking? my friend!