Friday 25 March 2011

Vocab Genii

Someone asked me recently to blog about how I learn English at young age.  Emmm...I am thinking my experience would have been pretty much like everybody else, swallowed a few Charles Dickens novels, ate a bit Jane Austen in supper, tried to appreciate the great William Shakespeare whenever time can be spared and flipped a dictionary to cure insomnia. 

Doesn't ring any bell?  Right, I was only joking.  I didn't go there. 

I can't in any way, claimed to be an expert in any perceivable way, but this is what I really think.  Whether you want to learn a new word, a new English monarch, or a small bit of trivia, it is not just enough to read.

If you want to retain vocabularies, you will need to put them to use. Try setting a personal goal for your daily tidbit, say, use your word of the day twice with two different people during the course of the day.  

When it comes to learning a language, every bit of vocabulary and grammar is dependent on what you already knew.  Read passages and articles aloud to yourself, recording and playing back certainly helps cure any mumbling.

And while you are at it, you can always inject a little fun by trying one of the challenging vocabulary games such as Vocab Genii (handily found in Facebook too).  Incredibly smashing!

Enough said, it all boils down to practice.  What's that good old saying again?  Practice makes perfect.  

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