Wednesday 9 March 2011

CSI: Impressed Or Amused?

If you watch enough TV dramas such as CSI or Without A Trace, you understand the importance for suspects to have an alibi, you learn of all that psychological profiling tricks and the unimaginable ways to peel back the layers of the victims' lives since birth.  

They have made it look so easy and effortless and at a certain point, you feel as if you are almost equipped with the knowledge to join the FBI.

Thumbs up.  Impressed. 

There is just this one little technical glitch that I am not that impressed and curious to find out if you have ever wondered the same:

We don't need to be graphical pros to know when we enlarge a bunch of pixels, we can only get a bunch of REALLY BIG pixels!  Yet the FBIs don't get it. 

They always have this "image enhancer" that is capable of transforming unintelligible smeared images into crystal-clear and fault-proof evidence!

Rolleyes.  Amused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know!! They can always get image of person off glasses!! ;)