Monday 28 November 2011

Vacation To-Do-List

Over dinner, my father was asking me what I plan to do for my upcoming long vacation.

I thought I had it all figured out and I happily told him the list of things I have planned for, the people I am meeting and the places I am heading to. 

"A whole lot of planning goes into this time of year, kid.  Why not put yourself on that list of things as well?"  

Right.  Point taken.

It's like what they say in the safety demonstrations on plane rides. 

"Please place your oxygen mask on yourself before you tend to your child."

To-do-list No. 1: An invigorating full body massage tomorrow is in order!

1 comment:

Irene said...

congrats..where to enjoy ur massage? please put 'good food' on ur list as well.