Friday 2 May 2008

Who Becomes A Torchbearer Really Matters

The Olympic torch relay is happening in Hong Kong today and it will show the rest of the world what the China's world city is like in the 11th year after its return to the motherland. The fact that Sportsmen represent only about one third of the 120 torchbearers in the first leg of the torch's trip back in China tells you something unique about Hong Kong.

There is an apparent reason for allowing the celebrities from the city's glamorous entertainment industry, businessmen, lawmakers and politicians to make up the majority of the torchbearer team here in Hong Kong as the local government is consciously trying to portray a positive image of our city.

With a result-oriented play - The city today will be guaranteed worldwide attention, non-stop broadcasts and positive images that consist of seas of crowds wearing red, and with overwhelming participation of fans and citizens waving as the torch relay unfolds today.

To the rest of the world, what they will see is nothing but support, unity, friendship, peace - that's what matters, who cares who holds the torch!

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