Tuesday 14 October 2008

Don't Be Fooled By BMI

My friend was nagging about her Body Mass Index (BMI) has just put her under the obesed category.

I tell ya, I never believe that one can really define who is healthy and who is not, based simply on one’s weight and height.

First of all, our BMI does not take into account muscle mass or hip-to-waist ratio – key facts defining how healthy we are.

In my case - I may have a healthy BMI, but I am definitely NOT a healthy eater.

I can’t resist jam or butter on my toasts; I often have a stodgy meal for dinner such as cheesy lasagne, fish & chips or curry; and my portion sizes rival any man. Desserts are a weak point for me too - love anything with chocolate or cream in it and potato crisps as snacks are simply irresistable.

I figured there must be some exceptions to this one-rule-fits-all formula, cuz there's no way I am healthy based on what I take in.

Well, I am thinking good old common sense, combined with a bit of mathematical calculation.

I look at fit people, one of the things that isn't hard to see is that they generally - again; there's still good old body type to contend with - have waists.

Where fat does most harm is when it's deposited around our midriff, where it lies much more deeply, coats our organs and puts us at far greater risk of diabetes and heart disease.

I checked out the web - some say the crucial measurement is the difference between your waist and hips. A woman's healthy waist ratio is 0.8 of their hips; a man's is 0.95.

Well....I guess whatever you do, how about we stop sitting in front of the computer, move your butt and go out for a nice little walk now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well put and how very true Audrey...that is the magic number -- the ratio of waist to hip measurement.
It is also my observation that many people are naturally blessed with thin bodies but they have dangerously high level of cholestrol. Figure that.