Wednesday, 24 November 2010

You Can Do It!

A few things I think you should stop doing at work, let's give it some thoughts:

1. Being too busy for breaks (you’re almost always better at everything when you’re rested).

2. Replying to emails instantly (if they’re really waiting, they’ll call you).

3. Getting caught up in politics (it’s rarely worth it and never fun).

4. Pretending you’re saving lives (if you actually are, no need to pretend).

5. Refusing to give yourself uninterrupted time for work (they don’t need you that much).

6. Complaining about how little money you make (the people you’re complaining to can’t change it).

7. Forgetting to laugh and have fun (this can take work some days but is always worth it).
Bonus track thrown in: Stop eating lunch at your desk. You really deserve a walk, conversation with a friend, or a quiet hour away from your desk.

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