Sunday 4 October 2009

The Founding of A Republic Propaganda

The Founding of a Republic isn’t the greatest movie of all times, but as a Chinese, it’s definitely worth watching and particularly timely so, during the nation's 60th birthday.

If you are familiar with the history of the Chinese Civil War you should enjoy it even more, partly to check if they have changed anything and partly to appreciate how they portrayed what happened over 60 years ago.

If you are like me, who is cynical about the whole Communist Party of China, you will still be able to walk out appreciating the movie for not being a shameless propaganda piece but rather, a genuinely well-made film starring countless familiar celebrities.

The movie helps me remember one of the most contentious and pivotal moments of modern Chinese history. Well, for point scoring's sake, at least I know how we came up with our national anthem and the meaning to the design of our national flag.

Consider cramping 65 years of history and roll that out in just under 2.5 hours! It's not bad.

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