Friday 28 December 2007

Life After Death

This area of doubt lingers on my mind since the death of my closest friend.

Is there life after death and can anyone that is alive verifies that?

I know exactly how the typical answer would sound coming from a Christian, so save that if you are one of them, thank you.

Perhaps I should rephrase the question to:

whether we are still relevant to the dead in their fresh existence/incarnation.

  1. Can the dead see and hear what we do and say in the life that they left behind and from where they exist now?
  2. If we're doing something that they did not agree with when they were alive, do you think we're somehow letting them down if we do it when they are dead now?
Anyhow, I probably am thinking too much as to why would the opinion of someone dead matters more than someone who is still alive (speaking conventionally).

Perhaps the thinking is all part of the healing process for the "closest-friend-departure" package that I am being thrown at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an awful experience. I hope you're feeling fine.

To me, I don't think it matters much whether the passed-away is still capable of feeling, thinking, or simply being in touch. What matters is how the living accepts the situation and how they react to it. I do things to make those around me (I can't be the only person feeling the pain) feel needed, appreciated, and feel better. I feel better when they feel better.