For the longest time way past my adolescent days, I have been told chocolate milk was made from fresh milk that turned bad. I was being steered away from drinking chocolate milk. I have faithfully heeded that advice until Google confirmed they can't find a hit in the www!
Till this day I still want to throw salt over my right shoulder (or is it my left?) after knocking over the salt shaker because my house-mistress said it would keep evil spirits away.
Oh, and here's a good one - you will go blind if you sit too close to the television, or if you cross your eyes, they will stay that way.
You do know the above aren't true (I hope). I mean if they are true, I do wonder what my house-mistress would say about the salty evil spirits I have consumed over the years!
I can, however, think of a few instances where the good old-fashioned "grandma's wisdom" has proved to work miracles.
Non-stop coughing
Rub Vicks VapoRub on the bottom of the feet, cover them with socks at bedtime, can stop the cough almost immediately.
Alternatively, try shots of
whiskey. It won't kill the germs but my grandpa swore by it as the best readily available cough suppressant one can get.
Bloated Stomach
Apparently, gently massaging the skin along the collar bone will release gas by either small burps or if you are persistent enough, big belches will follow.
Sore Throat
Gargle with salt water - a remedy that works economically sound.
Ache & Pain
There is nothing quite like a good old fashioned hot water bottle to comfort and soothe those shoulder aches and back pains.
Do you have some of your favourite Old Wives’ Tales to share or tips from your granny that have seen the arc of life?