One good thing about new year resolution is you are entitled to the full 365 days to complete whatever you have in mind.
12 days into the new year and I realised I have been taking a longer-than-expected break from blogging. I thought to myself, it has been nearly 2 months since my last entry, there really is no big deal if I leave it for another 2 months, right? I can tell you a whole list of excuses for not writing, but I do not think this is something of interest to you, or is it?
Another year has passed, another chapter closed, another digit to add to my numerical age. What do all these mean to me?
I was asked at count down, the difference in my life between 2009 and the one before. I practically could not answer.
So, what I did, I picked up a pen, got a piece of paper and started doing some tallying on things that mattered to me in 2009
- Wrote 45 blog entries, accumulated 5,000 page views
- Attended 4 weddings and a funeral
- Organised 12 birthday parties & 5 school reunions
- Enjoyed 5 live concerts & watched 10 movies in the cinema
- Enrolled in a photography class and a tennis class (both dropped out midway)
- Took up a handful of freelance and proof-reading jobs which helped pay the bills
- Survived a 5-hour long operation
Are you keen to reinvent yourself in 2010? Or at least use the new year as a long overdue excuse to get rid of bad habits or pick up new ones?
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The time of year when we feel as if we have to turn over a new leaf. The time when we misguidedly imagine that the arrival of a new year will magically provide the catalyst, motivation and persistence we need to reinvent ourselves.
Whatever your resolution may be for 2010, please be reminded not to forget about your own health and happiness.