Monday 19 March 2012

Draw Something

When I was a kid, I loved to draw.  Alright, scribble - to be more precise. 

Then I got old and too busy and just never quite get back to the old self.

Then came a game named Pictionary - loved that. 

I think many of us have been through the above cycle and that probably explained how the latest No. 1 game on iOS and Android "Draw Something" got so popular.  

It has racked up 30 million downloads in just about 6 weeks, generated about 2 billion drawings and are exchanging pictures at a rate of 2,000 to 3,000 per second! 

I don't really consider that as a game really, as it does not have scores or leader boards, and players involved aren't actually competing against each other but playing in a cooperative manner rather.  And I think that - has played a major part in the immense success of Draw Something - emphasizing social interaction over some game mechanics.

You know what I think they should chuck in as well?  They should consider including an integrated chat (who cares if people use it for cheating), I mean most often than not, don't you feel you want to chat or express yourself after the guessing part?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! I always want to chat to my friend after the guessing part... so what I did is, I "wrote" on the next round then trash that page and then start drawing! ;)