Thursday 9 February 2012

They Certainly Didn't Teach Us That At School

As I was looking at the maps that spread across my dining table the other day when trying to pin down places I want to go in my next vacation, I thought, "wouldn't it be nice if there was a map of life" that could sort of guide us along our life's journey?

We do have to resign to the fact that things in life do not often go as planned despite our best intentions.  The thing is, our life has a way of teaching us lessons that we would never have learned otherwise.  Yup.  Definitely not learnt in school.   Some of life's lessons, unfortunately we would rather not have and some of what we learned we wish we never had to. 

If life were predictable and always within our grasps, we will never grow.  The solace is, we can choose to learn and grow from whatever life teaches us, no matter what! 

It is okay to look back once and a while and visit "pity city" for a short stay, but we have to leave it all behind and walk on without fearing the unknown before us. 

It's easier said than done no doubt, but hang in there my friend.  And don't forget you have all of us who supports you and your family on your life's uphill, downhill journeys in which we have all benefited so much from being part of the bandwagon.  We learned miracles can happen every now and then as well - as a MERCIFUL thrown-in bonus! 

Add oil - as we all like to say !

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