Friday, 7 August 2009

The Salutation Worthy of Your Respect

My parents are wonderful, but there are people I know that really aren't that fortunate to claim they have wonderful folks.

I was at lunch with my cousin, my parents and an aunt, we were talking about honouring our folks. My cousin kind of scoffed at that and outright told me that her mother wasn't really worthy of being honoured.

As a matter of fact, that comment from her was rather abrupted and at that instance, I was not in the position to judge whether or not the mother'
s worthy of her daughter's salutation.

I, however, began to shed light on myself, thinking would it ever come to the minds of my parents, my sister, my friends, my relatives and even colleagues at work, that I am not worthy of whom I am being called?

I am a manager at work, the elder sister at home, a daughter to my parents and last but not least, friend of some friends and who knows, I could be someone's best friend too I supposed.

  • Have I been a good employee and fulfilled duties at work?
  • Have I looked after my younger sister and made her look up to me?
  • Have I been a good daughter that made my parents proud?
  • Have I reached out to friends and be there when they needed help?
  • Have I earned enough respect to be called someone's best friend?
  • And, if I ever become a god mother, am I capable of whom I am being called?

That really got me thinking but it was a good reflection exercise.

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