Wednesday 22 April 2009

10 truths about merger and acquisitions

'Two tigers cannot live on one mountain' - a Chinese proverb, which means there can only be one winner in a battle.

A truce, the Chinese say, merely delays the inevitable and what I am thinking is...someone ultimately has to be put in charge.

Here are 10 truths about merger and acquisitions digged out from a book on surviving M&A...

won't be long till I can testify the truth behind them all!

  1. The truth of mergers: There are no mergers, only acquisitions
  2. The truth of addition: 2 companies combined will not equal to the sum of their individual businesses
  3. The truth of division: it's always Us vs. Them
  4. The truth of politics: Political alignments, rather than business strategies, will drive all decisions
  5. The truth of reconciliations: There are too many products, something has to go
  6. The truth of attrition: Rightsizing is the first victory of all mergers
  7. The truth of loyality: Old boys never die, they just network
  8. The truth of trust: The root of trust is us, and you are them
  9. The truth of fear: The primal instinct of fear will decide who will be ostracized
  10. The truth of denial: The right way is our way

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