Saturday 27 December 2008

Quantum of Solace

Well, I did say my Christmas Movie ought to be Madagasca II, but I ended up going for Quantum of Solace instead.

I agree with you sis, all in all, Daniel Craig is million miles away from the likes of all other James Bonds. The outcome of the whole plot was more or less aligned with my expectation and just like the previous Casino Royale, this is more of an action-packed thriller than a Bond movie.

More than often, Daniel Craig comes across more as an assassin than a British secret agent; Can't recall many beautiful Bond girls, but compensated with lots of gorgeous scenery in Italy, Haiti and South America; And - worst of all, the lack of gadgets is impossible to associate it to anything related to a Bond movie!

Ok - It is when "Miss Fields" was found dead on the bed - did they attempt to tie the film to a Bond movie. The Goldfinger-style death scene is rather cool, but it doesn't really quite fit in, which is a shame.

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