Friday 5 December 2008

Memory Triggers

Music and scent, two of the most evocative ways to bring my own emotion to the fore.

Scent in particular, is the most powerful memory trigger, not sure if you'd agree.

No kidding but I can still recall the smell of the first shower gel I used, can you?

It happened 2 decades ago in Singapore and I love the pleasant smell of it. I was too young to recognise the brand and after all these years, I was quite certain there was absolutely no way I could be able to search for it.

Recently, I bought a bottle of Neutrogena "Rainbath" and - instant playback of my first shower experience with that shower gel. How bizarre!!

Less dramatically speaking, I can also easily relate a particular smell to a particular person. Nail polish remover for instance, always remind me of my sis, who constantly uses it. Freshly mowed lawns can evoke images of my boarding school; scent of leather recalls a ride in a brand-new car; and only recently - I found kidney pies can remind me of a dear friend.

Many a thing can also trigger my good old memories, a snippet of a song, a movie, or a photo. I find scents are the most evoking of all and they can cause me to relive long ago times so vividly, nothing else exists apart from the same feeling I felt when that memory was born.

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