Tuesday 19 February 2008

"Be Happy Always Is To Be Forgetful Sometimes"

Legend Lydia Shum passed away this morning.

The significance of this piece of news to me is: No matter how hard one has battled and how many small victories won in these cancer battles; how much fame one owns and how wealthy one is, one can almost never win in the war of cancer! This is most unfortunate for our generation living on earth and how I wish we can alter this dreadful fact.

This news is currently flooding all forms of media in town, in memoir and grieving for Lydia.

She once said "In order to stay happy all the time, you need to be forgetful sometimes, so u can delete all the sorrows, leaving only the happiness".

One good thing about being a legend is - people will remember you. The positive attitude to life as well as the signature laughter in this case.

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