Friday 7 September 2007

Hong Kong Losing Charm

I'd pay for anything to watch the world's best player today and the world's best player 10 years ago give 50% effort for a 3 set match...

Can anyone tell me where I can still buy tickets to The Venetian Arena in Macau? I don't wanna be watching live on CCTV5.

Why everything new and interesting are now happening elsewhere? Pete and Roger are going to Seoul and KL before arriving Macao. You can see Hong Kong is fast losing attraction and competitiveness...

second thought...let me take that back.

We should be terribly looking forward to the Olympic equestrian events in 2008, the dressage and show jumping - those really are gonna impress Hongkongers, right? Sorry, no betting for those, said the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and be warned, you better be prepared to get muddy in the soft soil, ruining your Louis Vuitton Sneakers you have on.

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