Monday 14 May 2012

Come As A Guest, Leave As A Friend

Historically, coffeehouses were important places for groups to gather and discuss issues of the day.

Today we have arguably seen this experience diminished, forgotten.

Many of us get our daily caffeine boost at the local Starbucks or other commercial coffeemakers.  For the sake of waking ourselves up, we duck in, pay quickly, and on we go, head on with our lives.   Alright, in certain days, we might decide to plug in our laptops, appeared to be toggling with some office documents but really, it was for perusing Facebook profiles, and for that, we might linger on for a bit longer. 

With the overwhelming establishments of cafes in town, two friends of mine recently decided to join in the bandwagon and opened a small cafe.  Tough competition is obviously one thing, how to run the business is another.  While we applause their bravery, you don't read fear in them at all because - they have it all figured out. 

They have figured out the very one thing that is going to differentiate themselves from the rest.  And that is - the philosophy of why we drink coffee beyond our need for one. 

They believe what they have, is truly a place that separates from home and work; A neighborhood hub for meetings, socials and gigs.  Or, as they'd like to call it - a platform for guests to create new communities and connections. 

They would like to have you "come as a guest, leave as a friend".  

A motto as simple as that.  And they mean it.  

Think about it.  When was the last time you had great coffee, good buddies and great conversation?

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