Monday 20 July 2009

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

"After the big C, you just don't sweat the small stuff."

This came out from Samantha Jones in Sex In The City, who, although was the most sexually promiscuous out of the 4 girls featured in the series, I admired her courageous attitude when she faced the challenge of breast cancer head-on, played with her looks by wearing outrageous wigs or hats during her chemotherapy.

Revisiting the TV series reminded me that we should always appreciate being alive, keep our emotions like anger and dissatisfaction in proper perspective, and cherish other people as the unique miracles they are.

We should force ourselves to be thankful that we can 1) smell - if not roses - whatever is sitting in front of our noses. 2) Make sure our ears are for listening, not for hearing and 3) always taste the food we eat before we swallow.

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