Friday 23 November 2007

Feeling Goog-fy

I found myself sticking to using Google's affiliated products more and more (feeling Googfy, as they now call it), so I decided to change my homepage altogether to iGoogle, one that I wanna recommend to you.

iGoogle is
an adorable start page tool where I can aggregate all Google resources I use on my online desktop, e.g. gMail, gTalk, Google Search Bar, Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Desktop, Picasa, Blogger, just to name a few.

I am sure you do personalise your desktop apps as it's the first interface that opens on your computer and you wanna keep them nice and neat. I recently felt it is even more essential to apply a technology that drives what I look at everyday online when I open my browser. I virtually don't access my offline apps that sit on my computer that often, as all activities I endure are now seemingly online.

Open source development it is, allows
iGoogle to support the use of specially developed "gadgets" to display content on my homepage. The gadgets interact with me and utilize the Google Gadgets API. The Google Gadgets API is public and encourage developers to develop a gadget for any need. So at the end, I can have wicked countdown timers, sticky notes, YouTube channels, and 3 different themes for 3 different tabs appearing on my homepage.

If that's not enough, well I tell you, you can have unlimited number of tabs, now how's that?

First thing first, if you wanna feel googfy like me, you've gotta sign-in for a Google account.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It gets up your bandwidth... esp when u r still using telephone lines for internet HAHAHA.